So what can I say, Alessandra Derme, 32 years old, originally from Padua and from Turin since 2015. I rowed competitively for 10 years and in 2013 I competed in the U23 World Championships. I graduated in conservation and restoration technologies in Venice, I did everything but restoration for two years, I worked in a running shoe shop, which brought me even closer to the world of triathlon, and since 2018 I have been working as an administrative secretary in my mother's company, where we produce medical software. I started doing triathlons in 2015, I knew about it because my great aunt used to do Ironman when I was little and I always said "sooner or later I will do one too". Let's say it's all her fault, but it's also thanks to her that I came into this world.
In 2022 we competed together at the Ironman in Klagen and it was a unique moment to be in the race with her. Let's just say that anyone who dreams of the Ironman world immediately thinks of one thing: Kona. It is the ultimate dream of a triathlete and to have qualified for this race makes me really happy. Now we are in the final stages, the finishing touches, preparation, travel and acclimatisation. Then the race will come and my goal is to do my best with what I have and honour the mythical Kona.
Follow me on this adventure, Toswim will keep you up to date!