Swimming: strength training improves muscle tone and gestures
Dott. Luca Tomaello - Direttore sanitario Isokinetic Torino

Swimming is a sport that, when practised with functionally correct technique, contributes to the harmonious development of the muscles. A sloppy technique, on the other hand, can lead to overload, inflammation and pain, and can put the athlete at a disadvantage.

Lombalgia e nuoto.

Back pain is often the result of fatigue and an alteration in the coordination required to ensure propulsion and at the same time the
stabilisation of the body in the water. A critical point is related to the breathing phase, during which the large back muscle must coordinate its breathing action with the propulsive phase. In the presence of low back pain, the recovery time needed to return to sporting activity depends on the severity of the clinical picture and the style of swimming practised, but also on the care and gradualness that goes into returning to the pool. It is crucial to make a correct initial diagnosis in order to set up pharmacological and rehabilitation treatment.

Watch your back

Like all sporting disciplines that require arm movements above the head, competitive swimming can stress the shoulders and cause injuries due to overloading.
due to overloading. Overwork of the rotator cuff, scapula and back muscles can lead to tendinitis or bursitis and, in severe cases, dislocation.

Yes to swimming, no to injuries

To prevent injuries, training must also take place in the gym, introducing variations in repetitive movements and relieving muscle and joint stress.
Strength training can improve the tone of muscles that are little affected by specific swimming gestures, improving neuromotor control especially at the level of the rachis
and shoulders, resulting in refinement of correct gestures. In summary, swimming cannot be considered a therapy. Rather, let's consider it for what it really is: a sport that requires adjustments. It is good if swum well, bad if swum badly.