Parliamo di Tecarterapia
Fisio&lab Torino©

Tecar therapy, or Tecar for short, is an instrumental physical therapy that enables faster recovery from trauma and inflammatory conditions of the musculoskeletal system.
Tecar therapy uses an innovative technology that stimulates and activates the body's own self-healing mechanisms. It can be used in two modes depending on the frequency set: one suitable for treating soft tissue problems and one indicated for treating bone, joint, tendon and cartilage disorders.
Tecartherapy helps to reduce oedema, pain and inflammation and stimulates tissue regeneration by improving joint mobility. The main conditions for which Tecartherapy is used are: contusions, contractures, muscle injuries, acute and chronic tendinopathies (Achilles, patellar, iliotibial band, pubalgia, epicondylitis, rotator cuff), bursitis, sprains (ankle, knee), adhesive capsulitis (shoulder), synovitis, arthrosis (hip, knee, shoulder), arthritis, lumbago and cervicalgia. Treatment is carried out using a mobile handpiece, with which the physiotherapist treats the area, and a fixed plate placed on the patient's body. In the area treated with Tecar therapy, there is an energy flow with metabolic activation and an endogenous thermal effect capable of restoring the biological balance that causes pain and inflammation. To increase the effectiveness of the treatment, Fisio&Lab uses an original method that combines instrumental therapy with manual therapy in the anatomical area concerned. This treatment protocol has proven very successful in accelerating natural tissue repair and reducing and shorten the healing time. Tecar is a safe treatment with no major side effects. But beware: for a safe return to sport, this therapy must be considered as part of a wider individual rehabilitation project involving physiokinesitherapy, hydrokinesitherapy and other rehabilitation treatments. At a later stage, the recovery of the specific sports gesture will be addressed in coordination with the athlete's sports trainer.

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