Many times we think that learning to swim is something difficult, that it will not be possible. But in my opinion, after more than 10,000 hours of practice and thousands more, I can tell you that it is not difficult. It is complex.
What does it mean that swimming is complex?
Well, it means that you can do it in 3 days, that in 3 days you can be able to understand in a very basic way the principles of movement in water with a basic technique. It means that after 450 minutes of practice with a mentor by your side guiding you you might still feel unsure and confused. Or maybe after 1 year of group lessons you haven't learnt anything.
Human beings focus a lot on results and forget that what is really important is the process. The experience, the journey.

That is why when I teach my students, I try to make that path as simple and beautiful as possible. Give them all the tools I consider relevant so that those first bricks are solid, of good quality and will weather any storm. Teaching swimming can be defined as the art of making the complex simple. To make the path more important than the end.
If you venture into this world, you will soon realise that there is no end as such. There will always be a new goal, a new ending. As you 'learn' and then stop practising, you will notice that you have lost or forgotten everything. The magic that only those who live swimming as a way of life know how to appreciate . Learning to feel the water, internalising the technique, knowing when we should stop thinking to be only in the present, feeling the water through our skin... It is interesting how only 10% of the world's population has the knowledge and enough practice to be considered swimmers, and the rest do not know how to swim.
In Spain, more than 400 people die each year from drowning. It is an annual national tragedy. The number of children and adults who die each year is more than double the number who died in the Atocha station on 11 March 2004, an attack in which a total of 192 people of 17 different nationalities died, including 142 Spaniards.
It is time for you to become aware that swimming is something that can drastically change your life, you can go from fearing it to enjoying it in a matter of weeks. The decision is in the palm of your hand and it is only a matter of time before you find yourself in a pool learning to swim. My recommendation is to carefully consider which path to take, as the quality of the results will depend largely on this.
Cheap is expensive and in terms of education even more so. Because learning something incorrectly costs as much as learning it correctly. The problem will then lie in the time it takes to correct these mistakes.
This year I will publish my first book: Mister Swimming . If you are interested in learning more about this wonderful sport, it is something that cannot be missing from your Christmas tree.